Top 10 Reasons you Need
a Pet Sitter?
Licensed and Insured
Is your current dog sitter Licensed and Insured?
Safety is very important to us so we go the extra mile for our company and our customers.
Member of
Professional United Pet Sitters

- Dogs enjoy the consistency of routine and actually behave better.
- 30 minutes a day of vigorous activity can help control bad habits (chewing, jumping, etc)
- Pet Sitters help to give your home a "lived" in appearance while you are gone
- Your pet does not experience the same anxiety issues in your home as they would in a kennel
- Older dogs live longer with proper, regular exercise
- Puppies are better socialized when taken out and allowed to play daily
- Your pets are not subjected to illness that some kennels may have
- Your Pet receives personal, individual care multiple times a day
- You come home to a relaxed, happy pet
- A pet Sitter loves your pets as much as you do!
Proud Foster Parents for Great Pyrenees Rescue and Tree Tops Rescue